What are they, but most of all, what could video games be?
To what extent are old and new generations influenced and "educated", directly or indirectly, consciously and unconsciously, by the videogame applications developed for (and in) the psycho-social space of the “Global Market”?
What relationship exists between High Culture, in the complexity of its (re) definition, and the world of contemporary (Cyber)Ludus?
In the spirit of Johan Huizinga's great essay “Homo Ludens”, the project has a clear multidisciplinary approach and will try to proceed in multiple directions by involving scholars and developers from all over the world in the formulation of ever new, problematic questions (and, perhaps, answers).
In addition to an extensive video section, with discussions and interviews, the project contributed to the creation of a first miscellaneous work that crystallizes some reflections developed during the round tables. The work is entitled “Homo Cyber Ludens” and has collected very high profile contributions.

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